In this article, we’ll quickly walk through some best practices to keep in mind when organizing assets and working with metadata.
Background Actions
When using some organization functions like the “Move to a New Project” and “Move to Setup” buttons in the Inspector panel, you have the option of closing the progress window while the move action continues in the background. It’s important to note that while the action is running in the background, changes won’t reflect in the Project unless you refresh the page.
It’s also recommended to wait for the current move action to complete before making any additional moves in the same Project. This can prevent issues where one image is involved with multiple different changes. Keep an eye on the activity wheel near the Project name for signs that a move is already running.
Using the quick-add option in the “Recents” section doesn’t show a pop-up progress bar like other moves, but it will still require you to refresh the page or navigate away before the changes are visible.
Image renaming is another action that can occur in the background and require refreshing the page to see the changes. When making changes to batches of images, you can use the Activity page to monitor the progress.
Concurrent Metadata Activity
Similar to moving assets, metadata changes can also be affected by multiple changes to the same asset. When an additional metadata change is saved while one is already running, the newer activity takes precedent. This is particularly important to note when there are multiple users working in the same set of images, as it can be easy to overwrite another’s work.
The Activity page will show the up-to-date status of any actions that are running in the Project.
Use the “Activity” button in the Inspector panel to jump directly to a filtered view of the Activity page.
When editing metadata, two separate activity items are started when the changes are applied.
Metadata - Saving
This activity shows the status of DF Studio saving the changes made to the metadata of the images.
Metadata - Writing
This activity represents DF Studio applying the metadata updates directly to the files.
These best practices are meant to help ensure all of your work in DF Studio runs smoothly. If you encounter any obstacles with what we’ve recommended or in any other step of your unique workflow, reach out to the DF Studio Support Team. We’re always happy to take a look and offer any assistance we can!