In DF Studio, a Collection groups assets together without relocating them from their source Project. A Collection’s assets can be removed or rearranged at any time, without removing the assets from the DF Studio account, since they remain located in their Project (or Projects). The key steps for adding, removing, or rearranging assets in a Collection are detailed below.
Add Assets to a Collection
Begin by locating the asset or group of assets to be added to the Collection, from within a Project, another Collection, or using the search tool. Select the desired assets to move into a Collection.
If the intended Collection appears in the Recent or Bookmarks menus in the left-hand navigational sidebar, use the quick-access button alongside the Collection’s name to add the assets instantly. For more on this feature, see Use Quick-Access Buttons to Organize Assets Instantly.
If the destination Collection doesn’t appear in these menus, or if it is necessary to create a new Collection for the selected assets, follow the steps below.
1. Select the desired assets, then click the “Collection” button in the toolbar at the bottom of the DF Studio interface.
2. Select the appropriate Collection from the Existing Collection menu in the Add to Collection overlay.
3. To find more images, click “Add to and Stay” and continue locating images. Otherwise, click “Add to and View” to see the Collection with the new images added.
Assets may also be added to a Collection using the Bin. For more tips, see Organize Assets in Collections.
Remove Assets From a Collection
1. While viewing the Collection, click to select an asset or assets to remove.
Click an image while holding the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows/Linux) to add it to an existing selection. To select all images between an existing selection and a new image, click while holding the Shift key instead.
2. Click the “Remove” button from the asset inspector.
3. Click “Remove Image(s)” in the Remove Images overlay to finalize the operation.
Removing assets will not delete them from the DF Studio account, nor will it reduce any storage used. The assets will remain in their source Project elsewhere in the account; they are only removed from the current Collection.
Arrange Assets Within a Collection
1. Click the “Arrange” button in the Collection Inspector.
2. Use the Sort Images menu to specify a sorting attribute, or drag and drop thumbnails individually in order to rearrange their assets manually. Once images are arranged in the preferred order, click the “Save Changes” button to commit the change.