DF Studio offers a convenient upload plug-in for use with the popular photo management tool Photo Mechanic. This allows users to transmit image files directly into a DF Studio account, with settings and adjustments performed to their specifications within Photo Mechanic.
Use of this feature requires the DF Studio Photo Mechanic plug-in. For assistance installing this plug-in, see: Install the Photo Mechanic 5 DF Studio Upload Template
1. Make a selection of the images in Photo Mechanic that should be uploaded to DF Studio.
2. Open the Photo Mechanic File Uploader by choosing “Upload” from the File menu in Photo Mechanic, or by clicking the upload icon toward the top of the window. In the File Uploader panel, make sure DF Studio is set as the “Selected Uploader”.
If uploading with an Assignment Key, or if a DF Studio user account has already been saved in Photo Mechanic, skip to step 4.
3. Click the “Connections…” button to create a new preset with a DF Studio user’s credentials. From here, input the same username, password, and account that are used to log in to DF Studio. The “remote host” field should be configured to match the address of the site where the DF Studio account is hosted. For instance, if pro.dfstudio.com/xxx/ appears in the location bar when using DF Studio, enter pro.dfstudio.com in the Remote Host field. (For help determining this information, see Log In to DF Studio.)
Click the “OK” button to store the login credentials.
4. Configure Photo Mechanic’s connection to DF Studio using the DF Studio Account and Project Information panel. If using a DF Studio account stored as described in step 3, choose “Use Account” and select the account from the adjacent menu. If uploading using an Assignment Key, choose “Use Key” and specify the Assignment Key and the associated email address. Then click the “Login” button to verify the connection with DF Studio. This will load available Projects into the DF Studio section of the uploader, and display “Ready.” in the status area when complete.
5. Configure the remaining options in the File Uploader as needed.
6. Click the “Send” button to initiate the upload. Photo Mechanic will display a log to show upload process, and the Activity Monitor in the DF Studio account will display the status of the uploaded files once they have reached DF Studio.