Assets displayed in DF Studio can be gathered into a proofsheet for printing. DF Studio generates a printable PDF file for download, which can be printed or shared.
To generate a PDF, begin by selecting assets to be included in the proofsheet. It may be useful to filter assets when selecting by specific criteria. (Skip this step to include all of the assets from the current Project or Collection.)
Click the “Print” button from the toolbar at the bottom of the window to open the Print overlay.
Use the Print overlay to configure the layout and content of the proofsheet.
Begin by verifying that the desired images are included in the Images section. To change the images to be included, close the overlay and make changes to the assets selected.
Next, choose a layout option to present the preview images in the desired size and arrangement.
The Display & Paper Options section allows customization of header and footer content, if desired.
Up to three lines of custom text may be included at the left side of the header, and up to two lines on the right. Information is pre-filled from the DF Studio account and Project or Collection, but all of the text can be modified or removed as needed. The footer text will consist of the account’s copyright notice, as configured in the Account Contact Info.
If an account logo has been stored in the Branding settings, it can be included at the top of the proofsheet file. Select levels may also be indicated with a colored border, if desired.
The paper size and orientation may be specified, as well as a margin along the left side of each page to provide room for multiple pages to be bound together after printing.
Activate watermarks on the preview images if desired. Click the “Configure” button to adjust the watermark appearance. (See Watermark Images for Added Security for details regarding configuration options.)
Pre-configured watermarks are required when generating a PDF proofsheet from any view in which Visual Screen Protection (VSP) is enabled.
PDF proofsheets configured with watermarked previews will not be available for immediate download. The process of generating watermarked images may take several minutes. See Download Watermarked PDF Proofsheets below for more information.
Finally, the Special Instructions section provides an opportunity to include a small block of text at the top of each page (if a header is enabled, it will appear above this text).
Once the settings are properly configured, click the “Create PDF” button to download the proofsheet PDF. For proofsheets generated without watermarked previews, the file will be generated and immediately download to the Downloads folder.
The web browser’s download folder location may vary based on user settings.
Download Watermarked PDF Proofsheets
The generation of watermarked previews will take several minutes, and is scheduled as a background process. When the watermarked proofsheet is ready, a download link will appear in the Inbox, and can also be accessed in the Activity Monitor. This link will remain active for five days after its creation.