DF Studio helps keep image files organized by “stacking” separate files for the same asset together. Stacked files are represented by a single thumbnail preview in proofsheet view, with the included file types specified in the Info Inspector.
Switch to files view to reveal the individual files for each asset in a list, or click the “Files” button in the Inspector to open an overlay containing the files for a selected asset.
For more information, see Download Individual Files.
Preview Images
Preview images are automatically generated by DF Studio when new files are uploaded. If multiple file types are uploaded simultaneously for the same asset, DF Studio will prefer the JPG, PNG, or TIFF file type for generating previews.
Deleting original files from the stack via the Files View will not delete the DF Studio previews.
Upload Files to an Existing Stack
When uploading additional files to be stacked with an existing asset in DF Studio, verify that the filename is an exact match (excluding the file extension—for example, MD_Gallery2_0113.xmp will match MD_Gallery2_0113.tif). It is also necessary to upload to the same Project and Setup for the new file to be stacked automatically with the existing asset.
JPG files are generally a smaller file size, and therefore upload faster and generate previews more quickly. A recommended practice is to upload all JPGs for a Project first, then upload larger additional files to the stack (RAW, etc.) while DF Studio is generating previews from the JPGs.
If a preview image does not already exist for the asset, or if the new file is a JPG, PNG, or TIFF, a new preview image will be generated.
Remove Files from a Stack
While viewing a Project in Files View, it is possible to select one or more files from any asset’s stack and delete them from the DF Studio account using the “Delete” button in the File Inspector (right-hand sidebar). As noted above, removing any or all original files will not affect the previews displayed in DF Studio.