Keyboard shortcuts help speed up the many workflows in DF Studio. They allow for faster editing without the use of the mouse, and often accomplish the same action in one keystroke that might take multiple mouse clicks.
Arrow Keys
Using the arrow keys will move the blue selection box throughout the current view (List, Thumbnails, 1-Up, and 2-Up views). Pressing the left and right arrow keys while holding the Option key will navigate to the next or previous group, while pressing up or down along with the Option key will move to the beginning or end of the current view.
Option+Arrow is not necessary in the 1-Up View or 2-Up Compare; moving the selection automatically navigates to the next page, as each selection is displayed full-page.
Holding the Shift key while navigating will add to the current selection. For more information about selecting assets, see Select Assets.
Numeric Keys
In Thumbnails, List, 1-Up, and 2-Up Views, the 1, 2, 3, and 4 keys set select levels on assets. If a single asset is selected, the select level is set and the selection box is advanced to the next asset (displaying the next page in 1-Up or 2-Up Views). If multiple assets are selected, a select level change is made on the entire batch of assets.
Other Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
i: Opens the Metadata overlay
f: Opens the Find overlay within a Project or Collection
Command+A: select all items in the current view
esc: close the current overlay (in most cases)
space bar: Displays a Quick Look overlay with a larger view of the selected thumbnail. (Or an interactive preview in the case of video or PDF assets.) Close Quick Look by pressing the space bar again.
Some shortcuts will be deactivated temporarily when editing a text field (such as a field in the Metadata tab of the Asset Inspector). Once that operation is completed, the keyboard shortcuts will work again.
Shortcuts for Metadata Editing
While working in the Metadata overlay or Metadata Inspector, the following keyboard shortcuts are also available (in all cases, the Ctrl key can be used interchangeably with the Command key):
Command+S: save current changes in the metadata editor
Shift+Command+S: save current changes and advance to the next asset
Shift+Command+P: save current changes and move back to the previous asset
Shift+Command+Z: undo current changes
When focused on a metadata field, the following keyboard shortcuts are available (in all cases, the Ctrl key can be used interchangeably with the Command key):
Command+X: clear the metadata field
Command+Z: undo changes to the metadata field
Command+P: pin or unpin the metadata field
Command+E: activate or deactivate the metadata field for editing
Command+D: insert values from Project defaults (if present)