Photographers who receive Assignment links from DF Studio account holders may upload using DFS Speed Link. An Assignment from DF Studio contains an Upload Key that can be used to upload to a specific Project in DF Studio.
1. Open DFS Speed Link, and click the “New Key” button.
2. In the resulting overlay, enter the assignment key and email address (both fields must match the assignment email).
3. Drag and drop images (or folders of images) into the DFS Speed Link window.
In this example, the goal is to upload the folder named “Example Images”. The entire folder can be dragged and dropped into the DFS Speed Link window.
4. Files will load into DFS Speed Link immediately; click “Upload” to begin uploading to DF Studio.
File Naming and Setups
If files are named according to DF Studio naming guidelines, uncheck the option for for “Folders as Setups”. (See File Naming Guidelines to Create Setups Automatically.)
If files are split into subfolders, and no filename-based Setup creation is desired, ensure the “Setups” check box next to each subfolder is checked to preserve the folder structure as Setups in DF Studio. (See Upload to a Project With DFS Speed Link.)
If uploading for Fox Entertainment, see File Naming Guidelines for Photographers Uploading With Enterprise Client Assignment Keys.