For customers on Enterprise or Unlimited accounts, DF Studio offers a variety of custom metadata field types, each designed to support a specific type of metadata information. Contact DF Studio support to create additional custom metadata fields. The guide below outlines the available field types and typical configurations.
Custom metadata fields can be configured to any specification; the examples below illustrate the common field types. Contact DF Studio Support for details about fine-tuning the appearance or behavior of any field type.
Boolean Field
Stores a straightforward Boolean (true/false) value, which can also represent Yes/No, On/Off, etc.
Date Field
Stores a date value, including month, day, and year.
Date & Time Field
Stores a date value including month, day, and year, along with a time in hours and minutes.
Date & Time Zone Field
Stores a date and time value, as above, but with an associated time zone, rather than converting the time to each user’s local time zone.
Text Field
Stores a string of basic text.
Selector Field
Presents a list of pre-defined values, allowing the user to select one.
Multi-Selector Field
Allows for the selection of one or more values from a predefined list.
String Set Field
Collects a list of discrete text values as input by the user, and stores them as a set.
Metadata Terms Field - Open
Stores a set of discrete text values as input by the user manually or from a predefined list of Metadata Terms. Users can select suggested values from the Metadata Terms or add new values which can be automatically added to the Metadata Terms for the Project or folder. (See Manage and Assign Metadata Terms for more information about configuration options.)
Metadata Terms Field - List
Stores a set of discrete text values from a predefined list of Metadata Terms. Users can select values from the Metadata Terms list, or type to filter the list to matching values. (See Manage and Assign Metadata Terms for more information about configuration options.)
Multi-Text Field
Behaves the same as a String Set field (described above), but displays the metadata values in a text list rather than separate draggable/removable tokens. This interface is more compatible with workflows that require selecting and copying values from the metadata field as text.
History Text Field
Collects text input and stores it along with the date it was entered. New text does not replace previous text as in a standard text field; it is added at the top of the list of historical edits.
Color-coded emblems with customizable names, which appear at the edge of the thumbnail preview in a DF Studio proofsheet view and can be used to filter the assets within the view. For more information about the Badges interface, see Filter Assets.