Files uploaded to DF Studio are stored in Active Storage by default, and can be transferred to Cold Storage for archival purposes, or to reduce the use of Active Storage. Files can be moved to Cold Storage or restored to Active Storage individually, in groups, or by Project.
Transfer Individual Files to Cold Storage
Activate Files View to see a listing of the original files stored for each asset. (See File Stacking for more information.) Click any file to display its information in the File Inspector.
Transfer the selected file to Cold Storage by clicking the “Cold” button in the Storage section of the File Inspector.
To transfer multiple files from the same view into Cold Storage, select the desired files first.
To select multiple consecutive items, click the first item, then hold the Shift key while selecting the last item—the selection will include all items in between. To select multiple non-consecutive items, or to add or remove individual items from an existing selection, hold down the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows/Linux) while clicking additional items.
With the files selected, click the “Cold Storage” button from the Files Inspector.
Transfer Files to Cold Storage by Project
Files can be moved to Cold Storage for an entire Project at a time, using the controls in the Projects Inspector. Access the Project Inspector by viewing a Project, or selecting a Project from a Library view.
Click the “Cold Storage” button in the Storage section of the Project Inspector to move all files in the Project to Cold Storage.
Locate Files in Cold Storage
DF Studio offers a number of ways to gather information about Cold Storage usage in the account, or locate those files which will need to be restored to Active Storage before downloading.
Advanced Search
Click the “Advanced” button in the Search section of the navigational sidebar to search Projects and Collections by specific attributes. Use the File Storage menu to locate Projects and Collections using Cold Storage, or any combination of storage features.
Storage View
Click the “Storage” button in the navigational sidebar to view storage usage across the DF Studio account. Click the “View Projects with Cold Storage” button to access Projects with some or all of the included files stored in Cold Storage.
Files View
When viewing the contents of a Project or Collection in Files View, each file will be accompanied by an icon indicating its storage status: Active, Warming, Cooling, or Cold. Use the Storage menu to filter the list to files in Active storage or files in Cold Storage. (Filtering by Cold Storage will include files in Warming or Cooling status.)
Restore Individual Files to Active Storage
Restoring files to Active Storage works in the same manner as transferring them to Cold Storage. Access Files View to see a listing of original files stored for each asset. (See File Stacking for more information.) Files in Cold Storage will display a Cold Storage icon in Files View. Click any file to display its information in the File Inspector.
Click the “Active” button in the File Inspector to restore the file to Active Storage. The process will complete within 4-6 hours, at which time the Activity page will update to show that the files have been restored.
Restore Files to Active Storage by Project
All files in a Project can be restored to Active Storage in one operation, in a similar manner as describe above for transferring files to Cold Storage. Access the Project Inspector by viewing a Project or selecting a Project from a Library view.
Click the “Active Storage” button in the Storage section of the Project Inspector to restore all of the Project’s files to Active Storage. The process will complete within 4-6 hours, at which time the Activity page will update to show that the files have been restored.
Restore Files to Active Storage Automatically
When original files are offered for download in a Messenger, the Messenger will be queued while any original files that are stored in Cold Storage are automatically restored to Active Storage. Once the files have been restored, the Messenger will be sent to its recipient(s) by email.