For DF Studio accounts at the Team level or higher, user accounts can be grouped into Teams. Teams allow access permissions to be configured more efficiently, by granting permissions to entire Teams of users rather than setting up each user separately.
Create Teams
Each DF Studio account begins with a Team named “Primary” by default. Additional Teams can be added by visiting the Users and Teams page in DF Studio Settings.
Click the Settings icon in the top right of the DF Studio window, then click Users and Teams under the User and Team Management section.
On the Users and Teams page, select the “Teams” tab, then click the “Add Team” button to create a new Team.
Give the Team a name in the Add Team overlay, then click the “Add” button to create the new Team.
Add Users to Teams
From the Users and Teams page, select the “Teams” tab and click the name of any Team—or the “Edit” button beside the Team’s name—to open the Edit Team overlay.
In the Edit Team overlay, check the box next to the name of any user to include that user in the Team. Click the “Save” button to commit any changes to the Team’s membership.
A user’s Team membership can also be adjusted from the User settings page. Click on a user’s name (or the “Edit” button next to each user), and check the box next to the appropriate Team to make changes. Click the “Update User” button to store the new information.
Modify Team Settings
From the Users and Teams page, select the “Teams” tab and click the name of any Team, or the “Edit” button beside the Team’s name, to open the Edit Team overlay.
Update the name of the Team, or use the checkboxes to add or remove users from the Team, then click the “Save” button to store the changes.
Configure Team Permissions
The Granted Permissions section of the Edit Team overlay indicates any permissions currently assigned to the Team. Open the Permissions overlay for any item by clicking the link under the Permissions column. This overlay can also be accessed by clicking the “Permissions” button in the Inspector sidebar when viewing the item. For further detail, see Control Access With Permissions Settings.