Select levels in DF Studio are contained within an Edit for the set of assets in each Project or Collection. A primary Edit, named “Main”, exists in every new Project or Collection, ready to store the select levels set by a user. (For more information about setting the select levels of assets, see Set Select Levels.)
Each DF Studio user with access to the Project or Collection will have his/her own “Main” Edit, which is shared by default, making it accessible by other users who can work with the Project or Collection. For more information about changing access to Edits, see Manage Edits, below.
An additional Edit will be added each time a Messenger recipient submits selections in a Messenger sent from the same Project or Collection. These will appear in the Edits menu beneath any Edits created within DF Studio.
Create a New Edit
While each user begins with one “Main” Edit, it is possible to create as many as necessary. Additional Edits might be useful to organize select levels for different purposes, filter assets based on their select levels from another Edit, or combine the select levels from more than one Edit.
Click the plus sign next to the Edits menu to open the Create New Edit overlay.
In the overlay, provide a name for the new Edit, and specify the desired settings for sharing and locking the Edit. (For more details about these controls, see Manage Edits below.)
Initial Selects
To create a new Edit with no selections included, select “Clear” in the Initial Selects section. To begin the new Edit with the select levels from a current Edit, ensure that the desired Edit is displayed before opening the overlay, then select “Use current edit” in the Initial Selects section.
In some cases, it may be useful to make an exact duplicate of an existing Edit. The steps to achieve this can be found in Duplicate an Edit.
A new Edit can also be created by combining the select levels from one or more existing Edits. For more details about this process, see Combine Edits.
Include Images
By default, a new Edit will include all of the assets from the Project or Collection. If preferred, only selected assets can be included (select assets before opening the Create New Edit overlay), or only assets with a specific select level in the current Edit. (For example, if the Edit being viewed before opening the overlay includes three assets showing “1st Select” and four assets showing “2nd Select”, checking the boxes beside “1st Select” and “2nd Select” in the Include Images section would create a new Edit with only those seven assets included.)
Click the “Create New Edit” button to create and display the resulting Edit.
Manage Edits
DF Studio offers the option to change the name or sharing status of existing Edits, or to lock Edits to prevent any changes. Click the “Manage Edits” button in the Project or Collection Inspector to adjust these settings.
In the Manage Edits overlay, click the “Edit” button to rename an Edit, adjust its sharing settings, or lock the Edit.
New Edits are shared by default in DF Studio. This default can be changed by visiting the In-Account Sharing page of the Settings screen.
Shared Edits will appear in the Edits menu of any DF Studio user with access to the Project or Collection, under the heading “Others’ Edits”. This grants these users the ability to view the shared Edit, but not to make changes. To restrict access only to the user creating the Edit, leave the Shared box unchecked.
Locked Edits cannot be modified by any user, which prevents unintended changes after an Edit has been finalized.
Users at the Account Admin level always have the ability to view, modify, or unlock all Edits, even when sharing has been disabled.
Configure the settings as desired, then click the “Update Edit” button to commit the changes and close the overlay.
From the Manage Edits overlay, it is also possible to delete an Edit. For more information, see Delete or Rename an Edit.
Export a Text File
The information contained in an Edit can be exported as a text file, in comma- or tab-separated format, for use in an external spreadsheet application or other program. Use the “Export as Text” button from the Manage Edits overlay to export an Edit in text form. For more information about the configuration options for exported data, see the Export Metadata section of Import and Export Asset Metadata.