In rare cases, DFS Speed Link users may experience an issue in which the application fails to launch, or launches without displaying the proper screen to log in and begin the upload process. In most cases, the issue is resolved by reinstalling DFS Speed Link and resetting the application preferences, using the following steps:
1. Quit the DFS Speed Link application.
2. Move the DFS Speed Link application to the Trash. (The application is usually found in the system Applications folder.)
3. Download the latest version of DFS Speed Link from
4. Locate the preference files for DFS Speed Link. These files are located in the user Library folder within macOS. This folder is hidden by default, but there are two ways to navigate to it.
a) Use the “Go to Folder” command. Open the Finder and click “Go to Folder” from the Go menu. Then type the following into the Go to Folder prompt: ~/Library
b) Hold the Option key to reveal “Library” in the Go menu. Open the Finder and click the Go menu. Press the Option key on the keyboard to reveal “Library” in the list of destinations, then click “Library”.
5. Within the user Library folder, there are two places where DFS Speed Link preference files are stored. Locate the following files and move them to the Trash. (Fresh files will be generated when reinstalling the DFS Speed Link application.)
Visit the Application Support folder and move the folder named com.dfstudio.mac.DFS-Speed-Link to the Trash.
Visit the Preferences folder and move the file named com.dfstudio.mac.DFS-Speed-Link.plist to the Trash.
In some cases, one file or the other may not be present. Simply remove the files if they are located in the folders described above.
6. Open the installer file downloaded in step 3.
7. The resulting application file may be moved to the system Applications folder, or any preferred folder for installed applications.
After completing these steps, DFS Speed Link should launch successfully and behave as expected. If performance issues persist, please contact DF Studio Support for further assistance.
It is recommended that DF Studio users accessing DFS Speed Link with a username and password migrate to an application password workflow. (This is required for users who authenticate via single sign-on (SSO), as DFS Speed Link does not support SSO authentication.) For more information, see Manage Application Passwords and API Credentials.