Edit Web Portfolio Details
1. Click the Publish tab and click to select the appropriate Web Portfolio from the Portfolios section.
2. Click the “Edit Details” button from the Portfolio section of the Collection Inspector. (The Portfolio section also appears in the Collection Inspector sidebar when viewing a Collection in proofsheet view, or when a Collection is selected in List view.)
3. Make changes to the text for the Web Portfolio’s title, subtitle, or description. Or modify the color scheme, watermark options, or display layout.
4. Click “Save” to commit the changes to the Web Portfolio, “Preview” to see the changes before committing, or “Cancel” to start again.
Add Images to a Web Portfolio
1. Locate the image or group of images to be added to a Web Portfolio, from within a Project, Collection, or using the search tool.
2. Click the “Collection” button in the toolbar at the bottom of the DF Studio interface (or the “Add to Collection” button in the Inspector, if available).
3. Select the Web Portfolio’s source Collection from the Existing Collection menu in the Add to Collection overlay.
4. To find more images, click “Add to and Stay” and continue locating images. Otherwise, click “Add to and View” to see the Collection with the new images added.
5. Optionally, arrange the position of the new images in the existing Collection by clicking the “Arrange” button in the Collection Inspector.
6. Once images are arranged in the preferred order, click “Save” to commit the change.
Remove Images From a Web Portfolio
1. Visit the Collection that is the source for the Web Portfolio.
2. Click to select an image or images to remove.
Click an image while holding the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows/Linux) to add it to an existing selection. To select all images between an existing selection and a new image, click while holding the Shift key instead.
3. Click the “Remove” button in the asset inspector.
4. Click “Remove Image(s)” in the Remove Images overlay.
Removing images will not delete them from the DF Studio account, nor will it reduce any storage used. The images still remain in their source Project elsewhere in the account; they are only removed from the Collection and the Web Portfolio published from it.