Along with any other file type, DF Studio supports uploading and storage of video assets. For most video formats, a playable preview will be transcoded automatically and available for viewing within DF Studio shortly after upload. (The exact time will be affected by variables such as file size and server load.)
For previews that are playable in the browser, a preview image will be generated. The video can be viewed in the web browser by opening the Quick Look overlay (click the small play icon in the bottom right corner of the preview image, or select the preview image and press the space bar). A playable video preview is also available in the 1-Up view.
For unsupported video formats, the file must be downloaded before it can be played. However, all other asset-level features are still available within DF Studio, such as organizing into Projects and Setups, editing metadata, and sharing via Messenger, with or without watermarks applied.
Nominal fees apply for transcoding video previews or creating watermarked video for Messengers.