Key People and other recognized people can be managed directly within the 1-Up View, by enabling the People View interface.
Enable People View from any 1-Up perspective by clicking the People View icon above the workspace.
The face strip above the 1-Up preview will display all of the people recognized in the image, in order from left to right. Key People from the asset metadata will also be shown, even if no face has yet been associated.
Use the filter buttons to narrow the view to specific people for a dedicated workflow focus. Hide the face strip by clicking the toggle at the left of the filter buttons.
When the mouse pointer moves over a person in the face strip, their circled face will be highlighted within the 1-Up preview, to enhance visibility in images that may feature many people.
Click any person in the face strip or within the 1-Up preview to open the person editor. This interface allows assigning or editing the name and role for Key People and Named people, or adjusting the classification as needed.
To apply changes to all recognized faces for a person, toggle the switch from “This Face” to “All.”
If necessary, a specific face can be split from its recognized matches. Split faces automatically create a new Unknown person, with the option to provide a name and role, if desired.
From any person editor, click “View faces” to open the People Dashboard in person view, providing details about the specific person, Project-wide. (See Person View for more information).
Add a Face
In some cases, a face shown in an image may not be detected by People Recognition, and it is necessary to add a face. Click the “Add” icon in the face strip to add a new face.
Drag the provided circle to surround the missing face, then click “Save” to enter the person’s details.
If the name and role of an existing person from the Project are entered, the new face will be merged with that person automatically. (See “Merge People,” below)
Faces added manually will not improve People Recognition’s ability to recognize the same face in other images.
Merge People
People can be merged directly in the People dashboard, but merging can also be accomplished in People View.
Enter the name and role to match an existing person in the Project, and the face will automatically be merged with the existing person, sharing the same information and recognized faces.
In some cases, a Key Person identified in the file metadata or the “Manage Key People” tab may not be matched with a face recognized by People Recognition. The Key Person will appear in the face strip, without a face associated.
If the Key Person appears in the image but hasn’t been detected by People Recognition with a circle, click on the placeholder silhouette from the face strip and add a face as described above.
If the Key Person appears in the image and has been highlighted by People Recognition with a circle, click on the person and enter the name and role to match the Key Person. When this information is saved, the two will automatically merge.
Remove a Person
If necessary, a person can be removed from view without deleting any of their information. For more details, see Remove a Person.